Book, Music & Lyrics by Eli Hans
Performed by Eli Hans & Joseph Bennett
Directed by Meridith Grundei
Photos by: Scott Umstattd

to give the GREATEST GIFT you can give:
A piece of YOU in the hearts of others, and those you love.
All of us have an amazing story to tell. Yes, even YOU!
A beautiful well-lived life, filled with precious memories, joys and losses.
An insurmountable challenge (or several) you managed to overcome.
A series of unique events that might be inspiring to others.
An out-of-this-world moment that changed everything for you.
A unique perspective on your ancestry and how you and your family came to be here today.
Your life-story is unique to you, and it absolutely MATTERS.
It deserves to be shared!
Ever thought of writing a memoir? Perhaps you've already begun, or maybe it's only just an idea so far.
Well, this PAGE TO STAGE process goes beyond that!
Imagine bringing part of your life experience OFF the page and actually TELLING it beautifully by bringing it to life on stage, imbued with your voice, your personality. With YOU.
Your story could INSPIRE and UPLIFT, or FASCINATE and even EDUCATE others.
Maybe it's to time to tell it in a way that will remain in people's hearts forever.
Imagine learning to tell part of your story in a compelling and entertaining way, and then recording your performance on video for posterity to be enjoyed by loved ones now and for years to come.
You have never done anything this exciting. This meaningful.
And this much fun!

Scary or exciting?
Absolutely both!
Any meaningful work of value will have a degree of doubt and/or fear inherent in it, because it means we we're S_T_R_E_T_C_H_I_N_G out of our comfort zone.
Truth is - and, I say this from experience - once you get the ball rolling, the process can become the most thrilling and fulfilling thing you've ever done.
This project could easily become a passion that lights you up from the inside, that motivates you to get up in the morning with enthusiasm and brings meaning to your life.
Will there be challenging moments? Yes. For sure. Yet, they're temporary; only to be replaced by an immense type of joy and excitement.
This introductory course will help you get your feet wet with a FUN and empowering creative process, to get your momentum going in the right direction.
You'll learn to:
Identify which moments are most appropriate to be told on stage effectively.
How to make the story come to life, entertain and delight (and even educate!)
Decide what format you want to explore: read or memorized, with or without slides, etc.
This 8-week class is divided into two sections: WRITING and PERFORMING
You'll develop a story you will tell in 7-10 minutes (could be a chapter or a scene).
We'll work with writing prompts and improv games to explore different approaches.
You'll write your short piece and refine it by the end of class.
Whether or not you've ever acted on stage, we'll get you ready!
You'll explore how to best deliver your material and gain confidence through rehearsal.
You can be as creative as you want - using costumes and props - or keep it simple, too. Up to you.
In the end, you'll perform/deliver your story in front of a small loving and appreciative audience! Nothing is more thrilling than that!
BONUS: Your reading/performance will be video recorded for posterity.
This hybrid class can be done in person in San Miguel de Allende, or you can join via Zoom.
If you're looking for something meaningful and different to do with your life---
This could be the most fulfilling and exhilarating thing you'll ever do!
And... If you LOVE this process and want to expand your story, possibly into a full solo-show, we can work together one-on-one - or in a small group - to take your work to the next level.
WANNA KNOW MORE? When and Where? How much?
I'm happy to send you some more info as things evolve.
In the meantime,
of our award-winning show about my cancer healing journey!
So... what qualifies me to guide you through this creative process?​
Watch the trailer above to start.
Won the Hollywood Fringe Festival's Encore Producer's Award
Nominated in 6 categories by Broadway World L.A.
I've been an actor my entire life, literally.
Trained at the Stella Adler Academy of Acting.
Producer/director of many theatrical productions and TV commercials.
Had a successful voice-over career for over 20 years.
Co-founder of The Improv People troupe.
Teacher of dozens of acting and improv classes in San Miguel.
Playwright, author, composer/lyricist, singer.
Passionate life and creativity coach & miracle maker.
Motivational speaker and personal growth workshop leader.
And, most recently - TEDx Speaker.

(Phew! Got tired just thinking about all that!)
You'll be in excellent hands.
I am PASSIONATE about this stuff!
(And my talented, creative husband and costar, Joseph Bennett, will periodically join us as well!)
Please visit the rest of this website to learn about Out of The Blue.
Feel free to visit EliHans.com
ANY QUESTIONS? Click here.
Can't wait to help you create magic!